Question I- Answer as required.

            (A) Use the given equation to complete the following table and  predict which the         thermodynamic process could be spontaneous or nonspontaneous.(10 pts)

                        ΔGo = ΔHo - TΔSo




- TΔSo


Comments (Spontaneous  Or Non Spontaneous)

Condition of T






































4 pt    (B) Explain Why?


1- Given that ΔG = ΔH - TΔS    And  ΔH= ΔE + W”   And  ΔS = q  ÷ T, also

                             q= ΔE + W1 explain the meaning of ΔG.




                        2- Using the formula   S = k ln W  (Boltzmann equation)


                             to show how the entropy of impure substance at 0.0 K is not zero.


6 pts    (C) Explain the meaning of the following:


            1- ªGo is zero:


            2- n(reaction order) is zero:


            3- ªHo is an inadequate criterion of spontaneity:









Question II- Consider the given exothermic reaction and the accompanying data when                                answering the following questions.


            2 H2(g)  + 2 NO (g)  ======= N2 (g)     +   2 H2O   (Kc = 90 at727 oC.)


2 pt       a) Write the Kc expression for this reaction.



2 pt      b) What is the value of Kp at 727 oC.?



4 pt      c) Use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the effect of the following on the position of the                                             above reaction equilibrium. ( compare Q and K in each case)


                        1- Addition of some N2(g).


                        2- Removal of some NO (g).


                        3- Cooling the reaction container and it's contents.


                        4- Decreasing the pressure.


4 pt      d) For the above reaction, if >Go 727oC is -32.509 KJ, what will be the value of Kp .



6 pt      e) Suppose the following mechanism is correct for the above reaction.


                        step 1     2 NO               ====    N2O2                    fast


                        step 2     N2O2   + H2     =====   N2O   +   H2O      slow


                        step 3    N2O   +   H2     =====   N2   +   H2O         fast


                        Write the reaction rate (law) equation.








2 pt      f) What is the overall order of the above reaction?
















































Question I11-Choose the correct answer(s):


1- For the reaction N2  + 3H2  ====== 2NH3 ,the relationship between Kp and Kc is given   by:


             a) Kp = Kcx(RT)-2   b) Kc = Kpx(RT)-2   c) Kp = Kc x (RT)2    d) Kc = Kpx(RT)     e) None


2- For the first order reaction which it's rate constant is equal to 10-3 year-1 at 25 oC , the half      life time is,

             a) 0.35 Yr.      b) 693 year    c) 0.457 year  d) 8.316x103 month     e) 12300 hour. 


            3- Which of the following is/are correct about the catalytic reactions?

            a) They are zero order              b) Homogeneous                       c) Exothermic

            d) Nonspontaneous                  e) Decreases the activation energy of the reactions   


            4- When Δ Go  is negative, this means that:

             a) K = 1          b) K > 1           c) T = 0            d) S = 0           e) None

5- For the reaction 2AX (s) + BY(l) ------ A2B(l) + XB(g) .which of the following statement/s       is/are correct:

             a) This reaction is heterogeneous          b) Kc =  PC

             c) second order    d) Unimolecular         e) Bimolecular


            6- In part (5), Which of the following is/are correct:   

            a) It is one step reaction mechanism      b S(prod)> ΔS(react)

            c) It is multi-step reaction mechanism    d) Δ V is positive.


7- A substances that formed in one elementary step of a multi-step mechanism and consumed      in another is known to be:


             a) Reactant     b) Product      c) Intermediate   d) Activated complex   e) Transition state.


             8- The process which happen under constant pressure is known to be :


             a) Isothermic      b) Adiabatic  c) Isolated    d) Isobaric     e) Isochoric.


            9- In the formula k = A e-Ea/RT symbol A is known as :


             a) Rate   b) Order  c) Frequency factor   d) Activation energy   e) Enthalpy.



10- The system which exchange both energy and matter with the surroundings is known to be:


            a) Isothermal      b) Spontaneous      c) Open   d) Isolated         e) Closed.
















































Question VI-Consider the given exothermic reaction when answering the following question:


            CH3CHO(l)    +    Cl2(g)   ======  CH3COCl(g)   + HCl(g)


            Obeys the following rate law,                        rate = k [Cl2]1/2[CH3CHO]


            The following series of steps is proposed for this reaction mechanism.


           Step 1    Cl2                          ========= 2 Cl.


           Step 2    H.    + Cl2               ========= HCl   +  Cl. 



                Step 3    CH3CHO    + Cl.    ========= CH3COCl +  H.


3 pt      a) Write Kp and Kc expression for the above reaction.




1 pt      b) What is the overall reaction order?


2 pt      c) What is/are the intermediate/s in the mechanism?


2 pt      d) Write the t0.5 - k relationship for this reaction.



5 pt      e) which of the steps above is the rate determining step?









3 pt      f) What is the sign of ΔH,  ΔS,  ΔG


2 pt      g) Label fast steps.


2 pt      h) If the rate of this reaction decreases when temperature increases, propose an     explanation for such behavior.





Question VII- Answer as required:


10 pt          A) List five important facts that work as a bases of qualitative analysis. Give              example that illustrates each fact: (10 pts)


10 pt    B)    Sketch a separation scheme for the mixture of Cu2+, Fe3+, Al3+ ,Ni2+ and Mg2+,

                     Using the following reagents: HCl, H2S, NH4Cl, NH4OH and NaOH. (10 pts)  


Question VIII-   Explain why:   ( 4 pt each )


1- Formation of two salts of H2CO3 such as NaHCO3, and Na2CO3, while H2SO4 doesn’t


            2- NH4+ is stronger acid than  Na+.


3- The mixture of equi 0.2M solution of sodium acetate and acetic acid has higher buffer          capacity than the mixture of equi 0.5M NaCl and HCl.


            4- The pH of aqueous KCl solution is 7.


5-Addition of NH4 Cl(Cl-,NH4+) to a solution of NH4OH (NH4+, OH-) will suppress its            ionization.



Question IX:


10 pts              A) Given  that Ksp of Pb(OH)2 is 1.2X10-15, and the following dissociation :


                                     Pb(OH)2  W Pb2+ +  2OH-


                        Calculate :



            1- The concentration of Pb ions in pure water.


            2- The pH value of the suspension of Pb(OH)2 in water.


            3- The concentration of Pb ions in a solution of pH= 10.


10 pts   B) Identify the fact/s that can be used to explain the following separation:


                        1- Fe(OH)3/Pb(OH)2   + excess NaOH ====> Pb(OH)3+ (aq)  + Bi(OH)3 (PPT)

                        2- Cr3+ / Ni2+ + excess NH4OH ===> Ni[NH3]42+ + Cr(OH)3(ppt).


                        3-  Ni2+/ Cu2+ + ( HCl + H2S) ====>   CuS(ppt) +  Ni2+

                        4- Al3+/Ba2+ + (NH4Cl/NH4OH) ====> Al(OH)3(ppt) +  Ba2+


Question X-


Question XI -  Consider the given exothermic reaction and the accompanying data when                                       answering  the following questions:


       CO(g)  +  Cl2(g)    =========   COCl2(g)                     Kc = 4.57x109 at 100 oC.


2 pt      a) Write the Kc expression for this reaction.



2 pt      b) What is the value of Kp at 100 oC.?



4 pt      c) Use Le Chatelier's principle to predict the effect of the following on the position of    the above reaction equilibrium.


                        1- Removal of some Cl2(g).


                        2- Removal of some COCl2(g).


                        3- Cooling the reaction container and it's contents.


                        4- Decreasing the pressure.


2 pt      d) Calculate >Go for this reaction at 100oC.



2 pt      e) For the above reaction, if >Go 200oC is -109.48 KJ, what will be the value of Kp .



6 pt      f) Suppose the following mechanism is correct for the above reaction.


                        step 1     Cl2           ====    2 Cl.         fast


                        step 2     Cl.    + CO   =====   COCl          fast


                        step 3     COCl   + Cl2  =====   COCl2 + Cl.   slow


                        step 4     2Cl.          =====   Cl2           fast


        Write the reaction rate (law) equation.


2 pt      g) What is the overall order of the above reaction?






Question XII- Solve the following problems,  ( 5 pt each )


1- Balance the following equation, and identify the pH range  required for this reaction.      


              I2        +       NO3-   = NO2(g)    +   IO3-





                2- If the half life of 214Pb is 26.77 minutes, calculate the  disintegration rate for 214Pb .



            3- Use the standard electrode potentials to calculate the  ΔGo for the following reaction,


               Al(s)  + Fe2+(aq)   ------< Al3+    + Fe(s)


               is this reaction spontaneous?



4- Calculate the nuclear binding energy of 2713Al3+  nucleus, given that  mass is 2713Al3+  26.98 amu.



Question XIII-Choose the correct answer(s):


1- For the reaction N2   + 3H2  ====== 2NH3 ,the relationship between Kp and Kc is   given by:


a) Kp = Kcx(RT)-2   b) Kc = Kpx(RT)-2   c) Kp = Kc x (RT)2    d) Kc = Kpx(RT)     e)   None


2- For the first order reaction which it's rate constant is equal to 10-3 year-1 at 25 oC , the half      life time is,

             a) 0.35 Yr.      b) 693 year    c) 0.457 year   d) 8.316x103 month     e) 12300 hour. 


            3- Which of the following is/are correct about the catalytic reactions?

            a) They are zero order              b) Homogeneous                       c) Exothermic

            d) Nonspontaneous                  e) Decreases the activation energy of the reactions   


            4- When Δ Go  is negative, this means that:

             a) K = 1          b) K > 1           c) T = 0            d) S = 0           e) None

5- For the reaction 2AX (s) + BY(l) ------ A2B(l) + XB(g) .which of the following statement/s       is/are correct:

             a) This reaction is heterogeneous          b) Kc =  PC

             c) second order    d) Unimolecular         e) Bimolecular


            6- In part (5), which of the following is/are correct?   

            a) It is one step reaction mechanism      b S(prod)> ΔS(react)

            c) It is multi-step reaction mechanism    d) Δ V is positive.


7- Substances that formed in one elementary step of a multi-step mechanism and   consumed in another is known to be:


             a) Reactant     b) Product      c) Intermediate   d) Activated complex   e) Transition state.


             8- The process which happen under constant pressure is known to be:


             a) Isothermic      b) Adiabatic  c) Isolated    d) Isobaric     e) Isochoric.


            9- In the formula k = A e-Ea/RT symbol A is known as :


             a) Rate   b) Order  c) Frequency factor   d) Activation energy   e) Enthalpy.



10- The system which exchange both energy and matter with the surroundings is known to be:


            a) Isothermal      b) Spontaneous      c) Open   d) Isolated         e) Closed.



Question XIV: Explain why:



1- In the following cell


            Ag/Ag+ 2 Cd/ Cd 2+ Ag electrode may lose weight.



2- The nuclear reaction :


            P( proton) ===> n (neutron ) + +e (Positron)    Is endoergic ,While



            P( proton) + e (K-shell) ====> n        Is exoergic.



3- K metal cannot be generated from the aqueous electrolytes.



4- Hydrolysis of aqueous HBr, produces H2 gas at the cathode and Br2 gas at the anode, while      that of aqueous HF produces H 2 gas at the cathode, and O2 gas at the anode.


















































Question XV- Write the major difference/s between:  (4 pt each)


            1- Natural radioactivity and nuclear transmutation.        


            2- Galvanic (Voltaic) cell Electrolytic cell


            3- Mechanical (paints) and cathodic protection from corrosion.


            4- Positron emission and K- electron capture.


            5- Electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl and aqueous CuCl2.





Question XVI - Answer each of the following with true or false. If a statement is false correct it.


-----                 1- Eo for the cell  CdCd2+  Ni2+ Ni, is positive.


-----                 2- For conversion of proton to neutron , it is easier through k electron capture                         rather  than positron emission.


-----                 3- A car battery during charging process is an example of Galvanic (Voltaic) cell.


-----                 4- A mass change of 1gram in nuclear reaction is equivalent to 934.31 Mev.


-----                 5- Nuclei of odd numbers of protons and even numbers neutrons are generally                        more  stable than those which have even numbers of protons and even numbers                  of  neutrons.


-----                 6-The following is a notation for Electrolytic cell:





-----                 7- Both Al and Cu metals can be produced by electrolysis of their aqueous                      solutions.



-----                 8- The amount of radiation that deposits 1x10-2 J of energy per Kg of tissue, is the definition of rem.



-----                 9- Nucleus that has more than 230 nucleons adjust n/p ratio by emitting β particles.



-----              10- The radioactive decay of 23892 U to Pb is considered to be second order reaction.


Question XVII- Choose the correct answer/s: ( 2 pt each )


            1- Each of the following is weaker than HCl except:


              a) H2CO3      b) HClO2          c) HBr.      d) HClO3       e)HI


            2- Each of the following has a common ion with NaHSO3 except


              a)NaHSO4 b) Na2SO3     c) H2SO3     d) CaS2O3          e) H2SO4.


            3- Aqueous solutions of NH4Cl is:


              a) Acidic        b) Alkaline        c) Neutral         d) Basic            e) None


            4- For alcoholic solution of 10-3 M HCl, the pOH is:


              a) 12              b) 10.56           c) 11                 d) -log Ka        e) none.


            5- Which of the following is a conjugate base of HPO4 2- ?


              a) PO43-         b) H3PO4         c) H2PO4-         d) H3PO3         e)H2PO3-



6- " The amount of acid/ base a buffer can neutralize before the pH begins to change             appreciably" is the definition of:

              a) Strong acid                         b) Amphoteric substances                     c) Lewis base

              d) Buffer solutions       e) Buffer capacity


            7- Acid strength is determined by:


            a) Acid decomposition     b) Acid stability   c) ka   d) #of H+/molecule     e) Acid origin.


            8- Precipitation occurs when:


  a) Ksp= 10-14      b) Ksp < Q (ionic product)   c) Q < Ksp           d) Ksp = Q         e) Q =             10-14



9- Metal hydroxides/oxides which dissolve in strongly acidic or strongly basic media are           known to be:

              a) Salts     b) Amphoteric    c) Strong acids      d) Weak bases           e) polyprotic acids


         10- Which of the following is a Lewis base?


            a) HCl              b) BCl3             c) CO32-           d) NH3                         e) H3O+           




Question XVIII-         What is/are the difference/s between: (5 pt each   )


                        1- Electrochemical series and Spectrochemical series.



                        2- High spin complex and low spin complex.



                        3- H2NCH2CH2NH2 and CN- as a ligand.



                        4- Alkene and Alkyne.



                        5- Tetrahedral and Octahedral complexes.


Question XIX-            A) Write the structural formula for each of the follow­ing:   (3 pt each)  


            a) 2,2 Dimethyl-,6,6 Dibromo 3- Heptyne.


            b) cis 2,3 Dichloro 2-Pentene.


            c) Hexammine Chromium(III) Nitrate.


            d) Sodium Tetrabromo (ethylenediamine) Cobaltate(III).


            e) 2-Amino 3,4 di-methyl Hex -3-ene.




            B- Choose the correct answer(s) :(10 pt )


            1- In each of the following, the value of  Δ is higher than spin pairing energy except:


               a) Fe(CN)63-    b) NiCl42-   c) Cr(CN)63-  d) CoF63-         e) Mn(CN)6 4-.


            2- The oxidation number of Chromium in [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]Cl is:


               a) -3    b) 6    c) 2      d) -2      e) None


            3- Which of the following complexes has coordination number  of 6.


               a) [Zn(NH3)2Cl2]    b) K3[Fe(CN)6]   c) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ d) [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+               




            4- Complexes which have higher number of unpaired electrons are known to be:


                        a) Inert   b) paramagnetic   c) diamagnetic   d) low spin e) high spin.


            5- The functional group/s in NO2-CH2=CH-CH2 -CO-CH2CH2OH  is/ are:


               a) Nitrile, Ketone, Ether  and Aldehyde.

               b) Nitro , Alkene,  Ether and Aldehyde.

               c) Nitro,  Alkene , Ketone and Alcohol.

               d) Alcohol, Alkene , Ether and Nitro.

               e) Amino , Alcohol, Alkyne and Ketone.




Question XX- A)  Write the major difference/s between:( 2.5 pt each)



            1- Cathodes in galvanic or voltaic cell and Cathodes in  electrolytic cell.



            2- Positron emission and K- electron capture.




            B) Choose the correct answer/s: ( 2 pt each )



            1- Each of the following is weaker than HCl except :


              a) H2CO3     b) HClO2         c) Hbr.      d) HClO3       e)HI


            2- Each of the following has a common ion with NaHSO3 except


              a)NaHSO4 b) Na2SO3     c) H2SO3     d) CaS2O3          e) H2SO4.


            3- Aqueous solutions of NH4Cl is:


              a) Acidic        b) Alkaline        c) Neutral         d) Basic            e) None


            4- For alcoholic solution of 10-3 M HCl, the pOH is:


              a) 12              b) 10.56           c) 11                d) -log Ka        e) none.


            5- Which of the following is a conjugate base of HPO4 2- ?


              a) PO43-       b) H3PO4        c) H2PO4-       d) H3PO3        e)H2PO3-



            6- " The amount of acid/ base a buffer can neutralize before the pH begins to change                              appreciably" is the definition of:


              a) Strong acid                         b) Amphoteric substances                     c) Lewis base

              d) Buffer solutions       e) Buffer capacity


            7- Acid strength is determined by:


            a) Acid decomposition    b) Acid stability   c) ka   d) #of H+/molecule     e) Acid origin.


            8- Precipitation occurs when:


              a) Ksp= 10-14      b) Ksp < Q (ionic product)   c) Q < Ksp                 d) Ksp = Q       

              e) Q = 10-14



9- Metal hydroxides/oxides which dissolve in strongly acidic or strongly basic media are                                  known to be:

              a) Salts     b) Amphoteric    c) Strong acids      d) Weak bases           e) polyprotic acids


         10- Which of the following is a Lewis base?


            a) HCl              b) BCl3            c) CO32-         d) NH3                        e) H3O+