C101 Practice Questions

Question-I Check the Given Periodic Table for the element in group IIA (4 th period) and the element in group VIIA ( 2nd period) when answering the following questions.

 1- Write the symbol of each element:
        IIA Element is __________ VIIA Element is __________

2- Name these elements
        IIA Element is __________ VIIA Element is _________

3- Which of these elements has the higher electronegativity?

4- What is the physical state of each element?

5- Write the short hand electron configuration of the non-metal element.

6- How many valence electrons are in each one?

7- Which one is most likely to make a negatively charged ion (Anion)? write the ionic symbol of this anion.----------

8- Write the chemical formula of the compound that could possibly be made from these two elements.

9- Write the Lewis structure of the molecule that could possibly be made from these two elements.

10- How many lone electron pair are in the formula of this compound?

Question II A) Write the major difference between each of the following:

1- Ionic bond and Double bond.

2- Atomic number and mass number.

3- Valence shell in Al and Valence shell in Ga atom.

4- Polar covalent bond and electro-valent bond.

5- S2- ion and Ca2+ ion.

B) Explain why?

1) Although the short hand electronic configuration of Sn atom is [Kr]5s24d105p2, the number of valence electrons of this atom is 4.

2) Ca+ is less stable than Ca2+.

 C) Write Lewis structure for each of 
    Cl2, O2, and N2 and explain why N2 is more stable than Cl2 and O2.

Question III- Consider the compound Ca(ClO4)2 when answering the following questions.

a) How many elements make up this compound?

b) Name these elements

c) Locate the group and the period of each element in this compound.

d) Which of these elements is/ are non-metal/s?

e) How many atoms make up this compound?

f) Write the Lewis structure of ClO4- .

g) Match the following values of electronegativity with the corresponding element in the above formula.  3.0, 3.5, and 1.2

h) Would you consider the aqueous solution of this compound electrolyte? Explain your answer.

Question IV- Choose the correct answer(s):

1- Which of the following is the correct formula of Calcium Bromide?

        a) KBa     b) CaBe     c) KBr     d) CaBr2     e) CuBr2

2- Which of the following is a liquid nonmetal?

    a) Br         b) C         c) Co         d) Hg         e) Cl

3- 1s22s22p63s23p64s3 is the electronic configuration of

        a) K+         b) Sc         c)Sc3+         d) Cl2-             e) None

4- The following 20A40 and 19B41 are example of:

        a) Isotopes         b) Isobars and Isotopes             c)Isobars     d) Ca isotopes      e) none.

5- Each of the following pairs make ionic bond except:

        a) C,H         b) Li,Cl         c) Br, Cl         d) K, I         e) Ca,Br

6- Which of the following has the Smallest electronegativity?

        a) Cl         b) P             c) Na         d) Cs         e) F

7- Which of the following has the same electronic configuration as that of K+ ion ?
        a) Se-         b) Cl c        )Sr3+             d) Ca                 e) Mg

8- The compound made from Al3+ and ClO4- is:

        a) Al3(ClO4)2         b) al2(ClO4)3         c) Al(ClO4)3         d) Al2Cl3         e) None

9- Which of the following has 24 valence electron ?

        a) SO2         b) BeCl2         c) SO32-         d) TeO3         e) AlCl3

10- The chemical symbol of Cobalt is:

        a) cO         b) CO         c) CU         d) Co         e) Cu.

Question V - Answer as required:

A) Identify the item described by each of the following:
1- Inert gas that violates the octet rule. .........
2- Has the greatest electronegativity. .........
3- Has the largest tendency to form Cation. .........
4- Has two 2s electrons. .........
5- Has a valence shell configuration 4s24p2.........
6- Isoelectronic with Al3+........

7- The nonmetal(other than inert gases) that can never be a central atom. ........

8- At room temperature,it is the only nonmetal liquid........

9- Has 36 core electrons and 13 additional electrons of which only 3 electrons are in the outer most shell.    ........
10- Has 30 neutrons, 26 protons, and 23 electrons.........

B) Match the symbols (left) to their appropriates (right)

1- F- ........                                                      a) [Ne]
2- Hg ........                                                     b) metalloids
3- Ni ........                                                     c) Liquid Metal
4- Te ........                                                     d) Calcium
5- He ........                                                     e) Halogen
6- Br .........                                                     f) In a p block
7- Ca ..........                                                  g) Nickel
8- Na+ ..........                                                h) Metal Cation
9- Al .........                                                    i) Nonmetal Liquid
                                                                     j) Transition Metal
                                                                    k) In a d block.
                                                                    l) Has no p electrons
                                                                    m) Contains 8 d electrons.
                                                                    n) Nobel gas.

Question VI-Consider the compound SO3 when answering the following questions:

1- Identify the group and the period of each element in the gavin formula.

2- Name these elements.

3- Identify the ionic species that could be possible be generated from this compound.

4- Name the above compound.

5- Write the short hand electronic configuration of each element.

6- Write the Lewis structure of this compound.

7- If S ion (S2-) is combined with ion of the element in group IIA (3rd period), what will be the      formula of the new compound?

8- Write the Lewis structure of the compound formed in part (7).

Question VII-     Answer as required:

                    A) 1- Write the balanced equation for the reaction:

                            Al(OH)3     +         H2SO4 ===> Al2(SO4)3 +         H2O

                        2- Is this reaction an example of Oxidation-Reduction? explain your answer.

                    B) Solve the following problems:

1- Which is heaver, the mass of 3.01x1024 molecules of NH3, or the mass of of 2.8427x1024       molecules of H2O.

2- The moles of H (atoms) in 0.2 mole of C6H12O6.

C) Calculate the empirical and the molecular formula for a compound which contains 51.428% C, 5.714% H, 22.856% O and 20% N (by mass),and its molecular weight is 140 amu.

Question VIII- Consider the given balanced reaction when answering the following questions.
                            Fe +   H2SO4 =====>     Fe2(SO4)3 +       H2

            a) Balance the reaction above.

            b) What are the coefficients of the balanced equation?

            c) How many moles of H2SO4 are needed to produce 39.97 g of Fe2(SO4)3 ?

            d) How many grams of H2 are produced in the above reaction?
            e) If 9.8 grams of H2SO4 are mixed with 16.74 grams of Fe, which is the limiting
                reactant?  Show the steps of your answer?

            f) In part (e), How many grams of Fe2(SO4)3 are produced?

            g) If Fe is placed in a CuCl2 solution, would the following reaction occur? Explain your
                            Fe +     CuCl2 =====>    Cu +          FeCl3

Question IX- Consider the given reactions when answering the following questions .

1- H2O2 ========= H2O + O2
2- HgI(s) ======== Hg(l) + HgI2

3- C3H6O3 + O2(g) ======== CO2(g) + H2O(l)

4- CaCl2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) === NaCl(aq) + CaCO3(aq)

5- AgNO3(aq) + Cu(s) ===> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + Ag(s)

a) Balance each of the above equations.

b) Which of the above reactions is/are example/s of disproportionation reaction ? Why?

c) Would you consider reaction 1 as an example of oxidation-reduction reaction? Why?

d) Identify the reducing agent in reaction 2.

e) What are the oxidation states (number) of C in both sides of equation 4.

 f) Name the oxidizing agent (reagent) in reaction 5.

Question X- A) Consider the given reaction when answering the following questions.

                C12H22O11(S) +         O2(g) ----->         CO(g) +             H2O(l)

            Ex: Succrose ...... ........ ........

a) Fill in the blanks above, identifying the proper names of each compound (follow example          provided).

b) What is the formula weight of Succrose?

c) Would you consider this reaction to be a combustion reaction? Why?

d) Write the balanced equation for this reaction.

B) Consider the given balanced reaction when answering the following questions.

            A(aq) +         Na2SO4(aq) ----->     BaSO4(s) +             2NaCl(aq)

            ......         sodium sulfate                 Barium sulfate         Sodium Chloride

a) Fill in the blanks above, identifying the proper name of compound A (follow examples provided)

b) Is this a single replacement reaction? Why?

C- Use the activity series to predict which of these reactions is/are possible.

            Cu + ZnCl2 = Zn + CuCl2
            Ag + HCl = AgCl + H

            Al + CuCl2 = AlCl3 + Cu

Question XI-Answer each of the following with true or false. If a statement is false correct it.

1- The oxidation number of Mn in K2MnO4 is + 7.

2- Electron/s donor atoms are oxidizing agent.

3- The number of moles of H in 3.6 g of water is 2.

4- CH2 is the empirical formula for each of the following:
        a) C2H6         b) C2H4         c) C6H12         d) C4H8

5- Combustion reactions are oxidation-reduction reaction.

6- The following is an example of a reduction reaction:
        Cl- ======> Cl + e

7- The following is an example of disproportionation reaction.

        3Br2 + 3H2O =====> HBrO3 + 5 HBr

8- Stoichiometry is the relative quantities of the reactants involved in the reaction.

9- The amount of the products in chemical reactions are controlled by the concentration of the excess reactant.

10- Combustion reactions, Synthesis ( combination ) reactions and Decomposition reactions are not sub classes of oxidation-reduction reactions.

Question XII- Consider the given figure when answering the following questions:

1- Match the following densities with the corresponding liquid
in the given diagram.

0.7 g/mL, 0.9 g/mL, 1.25 g/mL

2- When water(polar) was added
the middle layer expanded. Label
each liquid as polar, or nonpolar.

3- Which liquid will have the highest
N.B.P? Why?

4- Which substance has the strongest
intermolecular forces?

5- What is the composition of the vapor phase?

6- If I2(s) (d = is 5 g/mL) is added to these liquids, Explain why liquid 3 is the most likely one that dissolve I2 ?

7- Which point has the greatest surface tension: point a, point b, or point c.? Why?

8- What will happen if a gasoline (d= 0.8 g/mL) is added to the container ?

9- Explain the method by which these three liquids make a homogenous mixture.

Question XIII- Answer as required:

A) Explain the meaning of each of the following:
1- Vapor and the Gas are not the same.

2- Like dissolves like/s.

3- The physical state of the solute does not determine the physical state of the solution. (give example)

4- Smoke and the Fog are not the same.

B) Define :

1- Surface tension:

2- Effusion:

3- Hypertonic solution:

C) What is/are the major difference/s between:

1- London Dispersion Forces and dipole - dipole force.

2- Isotonic and hypertonic.

3- M. P and F.P.

Question XIV- A) Calculate the number of moles in each of the following:

1- 1.12 L of CO2 at STP.

2- 6.02x1022 molecules of C6H12O6.

3- 2.52 g of Na2SO3.

4- 0.8 g of O2 at 137oC and 1 atm.

5- 250 ml of 0.2 M NaCl.

B) Match the words/statement (left) to their appropriates (right)

1- Charles's Law                           a) Solution where N2 is a solvent and O2 is a solute
2- Dilution law.....                         b) U'(gas)1/F.M
3- Dalton's Law                            c) M1V1 = M2V2
4- Air                                           d) Polar solvent.
5- Water .........                            e) Number of moles per 1L of solution.
6- Graham's Law                          f) Gas solution.
7- Boyle's Law....                                 g) Ptotal= P1+ P2 + P3
8- Molarity                                   h) Freezes at 0oC.
9- Electrolytes                               i) M 1/ V
10- Osmotic pressure                     j) About the rate of gas effusion.

Question XV- Answer each of the following with true or false. If a statement is false correct it.

1- Each of the following statements is correct about the aqueous solution of NaCl

    a) NaCl is the a solute     b) It is an electrolyte         c) NaCl is ionic salt
    d) NaCl is hydrophilic     e) Its a solid solution.

2- The mass of 1.4 moles of N2 is 19.6 g.

3- Osmolarity and Molarity are the same for ionic compounds.

4- Diffusion is the passage of a gas through a tiny orifice into an evacuated chamber.

5- Charles's law, required that the number of moles and the pressure has to be constant in order to get a direct relationship between the temperature and the pressure.

6- Liquid state is the state of matter at temperature higher than the boiling point.

7- The B.P of the solution is always higher than the B.P of the solvent.

8- "The energy required to melt 1.0 mole of a solid at the boiling point" is the definition of the latent heat of evaporation.

9- Concentration means decreasing the concentration of the solvent in the solution.

10- Sublimation is the conversion of a liquid state directly to a solid state.

Question XVI   A) Consider the given equations when answering the following questions (a,b, and c).
                                            d RT
                            F.M = -----------

a) Calculate the density of CO2 gas in grams per liter at 1.21 atm and a temperature of 27 oC.

b) Show how the F.M of the gas is directly proportional to it's density( Assuming constant temp. and Pressure)

c) Calculate the F.M of a gas that it's density at 300 oK and 0.769 atm. is 1 g/L.

B) Given that the pressure of a wet air is 765 mmHg and the partial pressure of N2 and O2 are 575 mm Hg and 151 mm Hg respectively, calculate the partial pressure of water vapor in the wet air.

C)Label the following on the given structures:
1- Intramolecular Hydrogen bond.
2- Intermolecular Hydrogen bond.
3- Chemical bond between H and O.

Question XVII- A) Consider the given reaction when answering the following questions:

                            AgNO3(aq) + M(s) ==== M(NO3)2(aq) + Ag

1- Classify this reaction ?
2- What are the coefficients of the balanced equation?
3- What is the oxidation number of the element M in M(NO3)2 ?
4- Identify the electron donor ( reducing agent) in this reaction.
5- If 2.4 g of element M is equivalent to 0.1 mole, what is the formula mass of this element ?

B) Choose the correct answer(s):
1- The oxidation number of Mn in MnO42- is
        a) 7                 b) 10         c) 8         d) 2             e) 6

2- Electron/s donor atoms are

        a) Oxidized     b) Oxidizing agent         c) Reduced     d) Central atom      e) reducing agent.

3- The empirical formula for each of C2H6 and C2H4 is:
        a) CH         b) C2H c)             CH3             d) CH2                 e) None

4- The number of H(atoms) moles in 3.6 g of H2O is:
        a) 4         b) 0.2         c) 0.4             d) 0.6                 e) None.

5-     Cl + e ===> Cl-             is an example of :

            a) Oxdiation         b) Reduction         c) Combination         d) Disproportionation

Question XVIII- :Answer as required.
A) Which of the following diagrams represents an Irreversible reaction? Explain your answer.

B) Explain why the aqueous solution of NaCl is neutral while the aqueous solution of CH3COOK (Potassium Acetate) is basic.

C) 1- Write the balanced equation for the endothermic reaction for which the equilibrium constant expression is:
                                                    [C4H9OH(g)] [O2(g)]6
                                    Keq = -----------------------------
                                                    [CO2(g)]4 [H2O(g)]5

2- What is the effect of decreasing the pressure on that reaction?

3- What is the effect of heating the reaction container and its content on this reaction equilibrium ?

Question XIX-
A) At 20oC, the vapor pressure (V.P) of substance X is 700 torr, and that of Y is 350 mmHg.
1- Which substance has the lower V.P ?
2- Which substance will have the lower normal B.P?
3- Which substance has the stronger intermolecular forces?

B) Balance the following equation:

                Cr(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq) ------> Cr(NO3)3(aq) + Cu(s)

C) Solve the following problems:

1) The molarity of 0.15 N H3PO4.
2) Calculate the [ H+ ] for the human blood, given that the pOH of the human blood is 6.39

D) For the reactions 1- H2CO3 ==== H+ + HCO3-

                                    2- H2CO3 ==== H2O + C + O2

a) Which of the above reactions represent the dissociation ?
b) Which of the above reactions represent acid strength ?
c) Which of the above reactions illustrates the decomposition?

Question XX -Answer as required:

A) Define :

1- Acid basicity.
2- Dilution.
3- Bronsted base.
4- Neutralization reactions.

B) Consider the given reaction when answering the following questions.

                    KOH + H2SO4 ==> K2SO4 + H2O
1- Name this reaction.
2- Write the balanced equation for the above reaction.
3- Identify each of the following :

            a) Arrhenious Base:                             b) Salt:
            c) Amphoteric compound:

4- Would you consider the aqueous solution of Potassium Sulfate is acidic? Explain your answer.

C) Show how HCO3- is amphoteric ion.

Question XXI- Answer each of the following with true or false. If a statement is false, correct it.
1- Each of the following is a product of W.A and S.B reaction.

            a) CH3COONa             b) Na2C2O4 ( sodium oxalate)             c) KI
2- Buffer solution is the substances that speeds up a reactions without being consumed.

3- The normality of 0.3 M H2SO4 solution is 0.3.
4- Equimolar solution of ammonium hydroxide de and ammonium Chloride is an example Buffer capacity.

5- Increasing the pressure has no effect on the equilibrium in each of the following reactions.

       a) H2(g) + Cl2(g) = 2HCl(g)                 b) 2HI(g) = H2(g) + I2(g)

       c) 2NH3(g) = 3H2(g) + N2(g)  d) 3O2(g) = 2O3(g)  e) Cu2+(aq) + Zn(s) = Cu(s) + Zn2+9aq)

6- HPO42- is a conjugate base of H2PO4-.

7- Dissociation constant of the acid is a function of Acid stability.

8- Arrhenius acid is the substances that accept proton. the

9- HSO3- is an amphoteric substance.

10- A + B + heat ====== C + D is an example of exothermic reaction.


A) Match the words/statement (left) to their appropriates (right)
1- H3PO4.........                                            a) Buffer solution.
2- CH3COONa (sodium acetate)                 b) Alkaline solution.
3- Ca(OH)2(aq)..........                                  c) Polyprotic acid
4- Mixture of acetic                                     d) Its aqueous solution is Basic.
    acid and sodium acetate.
                                                                    e) Conjugate acid of NH3.
5- NH4+ ..........                                           f) Conjugate acid H2PO4-.
                                                                   g) Resist the change in pH
                                                                   h) Arrhenius base.
                                                                    i) Acid.
                                                                    j) Salt made of S.B and W.A.

B) For the endothermic reaction:

                            N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ====== 2 NH3(g)

1- What is the effect of the following on the reaction equilibrium:

i- Heating the reaction container and it's contents:
ii- Increasing the pressure:
iii- Addition of N2 :

2- Write all possible processes that could lead to the decomposition of ammonia.